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this is a section to talk about the site itself. its styled like a QnA so its easier for me to talk. no one has ever asked any of this stuff.

if the site url is Riddler, then why is it themed around The Stanley Parable and not the Riddler?

why did you make this site?
a common theme i see around sites here is that theyre made around spite to the current state of the web. i agree with that, but mine was just made because i was SO bored.

can i copy code from this site?
feel free! dont take the whole site though i might cry

why is the site so simple / barebones?
on one side, so its easier for me to add new things without getting really really mad. on the other, a lot of sites i see have so much going on its incredibly overstimulating for me so i kind of went the opposite way. all you need is text and cool effects, right?

why does this site have an evil aura?
my bad

why do some pictures look weird?
a few (not all) of the pictures on the site are dithered. because i like the look of it. depending on how zoomed in/out you are it might look a bit weird.

will this site ever be finished?
i hope not!

i saw a word missing/misspelled/some other error
yeah i type really fast. i do re-read some of the pages occasionally but i also read really fast. if you find any errors in the site in general you can tell me on my guestbook.

why is the url Riddler?
because i love the Riddler. hes on my top 3 Batman villains along with Two-Face and Penguin. (no, i wont tell you in what order)... as for why thats the site url, well i did a poll on twitter and everyone voted Riddler so thats what.

is the name of the site itself Riddler, or is it just the url?
both! the url is Riddler, and in things like the button its also called Riddler. however i also occasionally refer to the site as "Not Stanley", so i guess it just has two names. call it whatever you like more.

is your name Stanley?
this isnt even about the site! but i go by a lot of names, mostly Harvey as of now. i dont really care what you call me much.

have you had other sites before this?
yup! before Riddler ive had 3 other sites, all hosted on neocities. 1 of those is deleted, 1 of those is private and personal, and 1 of those is still sort of active, but i plan to move everything here and abandon it. i just have a lot of webrings and fanlistings on it to move...

you ever wear green spandex and fight a man dressed as a bat?
i prefer a suit to be honest but
HEY. i am NOT the Riddler. stop that.