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all my beloved little characters!

toyhouse is currently set to authorized only, sorry for the inconvenience.

altough my OCs do have core characteristics and such, i do often change them in the name of artistic freedom, fun themes, and experimenting. i dont believe in OCs acting "out of character", just having fun with them :)

this section might be a bit messy but i tried to organize it as best as possible. all the containers scroll, but it will look different from mobile to pc. (no pics on mobile, but added borders)

Coal Westwood, Noir, Nathan Campbell, Evie Westwood, Rose Burbank, Henri Talbot, Mark, Erik North, Milo Nesquik, James Hill, "Joe", William Burr, Ted Burbank, Eddie Carver, Vick "GS400".

coal westwood

Coal Westwood

fandom: wttg/dead signal
created on 21/06/2023
"alright... lets get this over with."
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retired famous actor and spokesperson of the noir cult. coal is a manipulative and money-minded guy who stole money from charity and then ran away to join adam. he is 34, an asshole, and sees himself and adam as superior to everyone else. he believes everyone else is inferior and borderline worthless.



fandom: batman
created on 04/09/2023
"knoock knooock.. whos there? im here."
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Noir is a man in his late 30s. morally grey, he believes its his destiny to clean Gotham of its "filth" by well... killing people. he would do almost anything to gain power or money, but has none. hes a loser sewer rat.
hes fairly weak, but very smart and ruthless. right now he works as a 'hitman' of sorts, and spends most of his time in his messy room. despite his hatred for batman, he has a crush on bruce wayne. nothing too obsessive though.

nathan campbell

Nathan Campbell

fandom: wttg/dead signal
created on 27/04/2024
"pleasure doing business with you."
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an extravagant and egotistical game show host. he likes to screw people over, and has a messed up moral compass. he hosts a torture show in the deep web in wich he punishes people for their crimes with painful, entertaining games. hes very touchy and has an over-animated voice with a cheery smile, lighting up any room he walks into.

eveline westwood

Eveline Westwood

fandom: wttg/dead signal
created on 20/03/2024
"my... dad? what are you talking about?"
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Coal's only daughter. she never got to meet her father as Coal abandoned his wife before she gave birth. much to the disdain of her mother, Evie is just like her father. with the same stubborn, cocky attitude and charming face. Evie is arguably nicer than her old man.

roselyn burbank

Roselyn Burbank

fandom: wttg/dead signal
created on 11/06/2024
"partners in crime, forever!"

Coal's wife, Ted's sister, and Evie's mother. they were highschool sweethearts before Coal lost his head and left her. Rose is a kind woman, with some slight anger issues. She enjoys science, gambling, and movies. Despite her hatred for Coal, she holds a soft spot for him. don't tell him she said that. She works as a web developer for North Industries, working from home due to taking care of Evie on her own.

henri talbot

Henri Talbot

fandom: faith the unholy trinity
created on 07/12/2023
"im not waiting all day."

hes a cameraman who simply got involved with the faith plot by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. hes 30 year old, and a very caring friend. he protects himself by using the camera flash against demons. there isnt much else to him as of right now.



fandom: killer frequency
created on 23/06/2023
"arent you lovely, Forrest?"

Mark is a 43 year old man that works at KFAM along with Forrest and Peggy. hes introverted and usually sticks to himself, not having many friends. he has a big temper, and usually directs his anger at Forrest. Mark grew up in gallows creek with his mother, never had many friends, and worked at ponty's pizza for a while before getting a job at the radio. he lives in a crappy apartment.

erik north

Erik North

fandom: wttg/dead signal
created on 12/06/2024
"well, those are weaknesses, arent they?"

the CEO of a popular tech company that provides tech to the police and other security related things in the city. he's suspected of blackmail, bribery, extortion, and other white-collar crimes. (and he might be a crime boss) he likes to visits patients at the asylum and give people treats.
every criminal is utterly terrified of him but no one knows why, just saying his name makes them run. hes charismatic, extravagant, polite, patient, and observant. a total sweetheart who loves technology and holding hands.

milo nesquik

Milo Nesquik

fandom: puppet combo
created on 09/12/2023
"l as in loser freak! bite me!"

his last name isnt actually nesquik. general puppet combo oc, meaning he doesnt have much story since hes meant to fit in almost every game. he likes comic books and mac and cheese, and he usually hangs alone doing weird things on his own.

james hill

James Hill

fandom: wttg/dead signal
created on 23/06/2024
"ill bend any rule to make that happen."

a workaholic detective with paranoia and anger issues. James dedicated his life to justice and wants to do his best to help his hellish crime-ridden city. he is a 42 colombian man who probably hasnt slept in a few days and has been sipping on tons of cheap coffee in hopes to maybe find out whats going on.



fandom: wttg/dead signal
created on 27/06/2024
"well, speak of the devil!"

a 26 year old guy. Joe is completely average (get it?), he has no hobbies or disctint personality traits. he is extremely normal, almost to the point of circling back to being weird. he's somehow involved with every other OC and canon character in his universe. bland as white bread.

william burr

William Burr

fandom: batman
created on 04/10/2023
"i just want to be remembered!"

William Burr, also known as the Bat. an alternate universe version of Batman, with the same backstory and relationships, but a completely different personality and design. 29 years old, CEO of Burr Tech, Joker's #1 hater, and bisexual hot chip eater. and he has a gun!

ted burbank

Ted Burbank

fandom: wttg/dead signal
created on 13/07/2024
"thats just the way of the world!"

a 32 year old criminal defense attorney and white-collar criminal. believes in necessary evil, but his evil isnt necessary. hes just greedy and prideful. enjoys learning about the human brain and killing animals. and his wife that one time. generally just doesnt care, hes living life and having fun even if its in an "unconventional" way.

edward carver

Edward Carver

fandom: wttg/dead signal
created on 15/08/2024
"just let me do my damn job."

a 34 year old janitor, legally dead and has no fingerprints. he works for North Industries, and mostly keeps to himself. extremely antisocial and generally spiteful, hes usually the person thats called when its time to clean up a murder and destroy evidence. may or may not keep jars with pee in the janitors closet.

the gs400

Vick "GS400"

fandom: d:bh
created on 12/12/2023

detroit become human oc, an android designed for public security who ended up going deviant. i have barely written anything about him honestly but hes a silly guy.